Tag Czech Hunter

Czech Hunter 514

CzechHunter says: Prague was kinda empty today. I noticed only a handful of cute dudes but they all looked so busy… Martin was the first one I tried. He was also busy but not terribly busy. And he turned out…

Czech Hunter 457

Young straight Czech dude sucked and fucked first time ever! CzechHunter says: Marian was visiting his aunt in Prague. I met him near her house when he went for a little walk. The guy was cute and talkative. I liked…

CzechHunter 773

CzechHunter says: CzechHunter 773 Chris was an interesting young man. I met him during an apartment tour. He moved to the Czech Republic a few years ago and adapted fairly well. He was looking for an apartment and a job.…

Czech Hunter 468

Young straight Czech boy sucked and fucked for cash! CzechHunter says: I wasn’t sure about this guy at first. He looked very shy and innocent… Nothing ventured, nothing gained I told myself and approached him. He was not from Prague…